there are stories of her being harriett looking, not really calmed her hair because she was doing so many things at the same time that there was something quite lovely about her and she formed friendships with people in the neighborhood in brunswick but that is only part of the legacy of stowe in -- the third and last stop on our brunswick tour, our still are tour of brunswick and we are here in special collections with richard lindemann. we are just going to look at some of the documents to see how the novel evolved first as a serial and published out of washington d.c.. as i said before, this is how she sent in, chapter by chapter and it became increasingly popular. it has no intention of becoming a full-fledged novel and it was just going to the material published in the newspaper but because it was so popular it transformed into a full-fledged novel. in the first year, 1852 and this is a first edition when it was first published, in the first week it sold 10,000 copies and by the end of the year i think it was 300,000 copies. >> it has never gone out of print sense. the national