i got a call from pamela, this is the fourth invitation you've gotten from governor harriman to comeow that was a big deal. i really didn't, honest to god i didn't. he said, joe, you've got to go. you've got to go. it just doesn't look -- i'll go with you. i'll never forget going into his home in georgetown and sitting and he was sitting in a armchair -- excuse me, a winged chair and i was on a couch next to the chair nearest edward and teddy next to me and henry kissinger was across from me and paul warrenky, both arms control experts and i was this 30-year-old kid and harriman had a way of including everyone in the conversation. they were talking about a complicated arms control agreement, and this discussion was going on and all of a sudden harriman looked at me and said, joe, what do the young people think about this? [laughter] >> i didn't know what the hell to say, john. i was squared to death. i didn't want to make a fool of me. here i was a united states senator. so i reached over and picked an object up off the coffee table. and i was nervous and i was flipping it back and f