was run by a small circle of powerful capitalists and harriman said, oh, that's not true. so he decided to for some reason convince khrushev that this wasn't true by inviting him to meet a bunch of rich american capitalists. and it was kind of funny because they all started telling khrushchev, we have no power. what we say doesn't go. if we ask for something, the congress immediately votes against it, which was, of course, pure baloney. and your father recognized that and said to them, oh, i guess that means i'm talking to the poor relations of america. and they all laughed. the funny thing to me was that they thought, i guess sincerely, that they really didn't have much power and that the capitalists were not lobbying for greater armaments which khrushchev believed but the day khrushchev came out with a disarmament plan at the u.n., the stock market plunged particularly the companies that created armaments which proved khrushchev's point and a year later when eisenhower was leaving the white house, he made his famous speech on tv about the military indtrial complex. and h