more women are expected to be release in the coming harrods we know if they will be among those who wille freed? >> well, with regards i request confirm to al jazeera sources that she remanged at the prison. but legally she is a free woman, because earlier today, a judge released her, and then a prosecutor also approved that release. and that's based on the fact that she had spent three-quarters of her jail sentence. now if you speak to activists they say yes the government perhapses is trying to play out and implement that legal aspect to try and say this is nothing to do with the prisoners exchange. now, because in syria, the activists will tell you if you are a political prisoner, then no judge will grant you the two-thirds of two-quarters of your sentence. so we do expect that to be released part of that prisoners deal, now, that release order from the judge and the prosecutor has reached the prison where she is, but i think because it reached late, so they didn't release her today. tomorrow, bear in mind, is friday, so it is a weekend in the arab world. so p pas there is a slim chan