according to researcher harry balder. >> what americans want more than anything else, a new version of something they already know. they don't want something they don't know. >> reporter: and not only is the demand for beer growing so is the demand for different varieties. in fact, they created eight new brews just last year. >> that's what our consumer wants, new beers with more flavor. >> reporter: new beers that still qualify as cost-conscious treats at a time when disposable dollars are at a minimum. >> we're not drinking more. no, it's just what we're eating and drinking. >> reporter: not to mention tossing back a local brew means giving back to one's community. >> i think people really like this more local company. the nice thing is almost anywhere you go in the u.s. there's a local brewery you can support. >> , a taste trend america's microbreweries are toasting all the way to the bank. abc news, chicago. >> our good friend rob casper just e-mailed us about the baltimore beer week, october 8th, opens with former oriole great cracking open a case on the constellation. >> nice. >>