a year after the murder, he said he got a call from harry britton. re at the corner where they were-- where the bones were. where the bones were. and harry, michael wolfe said, told him, you have to come back down here and move the bones. almost as an order. keith morrison: wolfe flew back to florida. stefan kemph: michael says that he went out there in the middle of the night, collected what he could find, and put them in a trash bag. and then he went back to barbara britton's family's house and put the bones out for the trash in a plastic bag. keith morrison: michael wolfe's story seemed to tell it all and to cast barbara britton in a leading role. and once she heard that story, detective velasquez was convinced, barbara, determined to keep david away from their son, was a full partner in his murder. what are the chances that either michael wolfe or harry britton forced her to take part in this scheme? forced? yeah. well, you don't have to force a willing participant. and you believe she was willing? yes. keith morrison: the detective couldn't help