and yet a study done in 2008 reported that during harry connick sr.'enure, in one out of every four cases where the death penalty was imposed, evidence was withheld. >> that was crazy. if that is not a pattern, i don't know what is. so who is going to get the last laugh? jim williams. >> in the photo of jim williams with the electric chair, of the five faces visible, all of them were released from death row. >> and my mine, we should charge them with attempted murder. this district attorney using false information that he know is false to kill you. it's premeditated. so we're saying that he could get away with murder? what make him so special? the only thing he was hiding behind was district attorney badge. >> unfortunately, the thomas opinion is the law of the land. and it gives me great concern. >> make no bones about it. prosecutors are now a lot less accountable for what they do because they know that if they don't produce evidence, there is virtually no sanction for them or the office. >> john thompson's activism continues to sound the alarm again