. >> harry houdini's former house in los angeles will run a thousand dollars a night.gh. >> harry houdini, he, of course was an escape artist, magician, et cetera. >> okay. >> i noticed paula dean if you like southern style, stay in the island. >> that is down there in georgia. >> if you go visit savanna, everybody who goes out to the island, it is tybee island. >> yes. >> 300 buc a night. >> get a three bedroom home with a kitchen, stock with butter. >> yes, and cookbooks. so you know what to do with it. >> a signed one for the guest. >> oh, all right. >> good deal. >> i can say something really rude but i won't. >> why don't we just go to body miller and his wife carol they wouldn't mind you sting at their new hampshire estate. a stay there $800 a night, two night nim. cy.. >> which jen is this. >> this would be jen fredrick. >> jennaphr fredrick, how jen. >> how are you doing. so first of all, i've got skills, i got moves like jagr and i have a new pal her name is taylor. >> hi. >> but start judging, here we go. what is that and she's in. maybe in the wimbledon but