harry houdini was a magician... an escape artist. from any kind of restraint-- ropepechains, anything. that seems unlikely. that's why he was called a magician. some peoeoe say he was double-jointed. i don't suppose vulcans are double-jointed. a vulcan. what brings you to coridan? if you want answers, talk to me. you're her superior? that's right. i don't recognize your species. i'm human. from the planet earth. never heard of vulcans taking orders from anyone. there's been a misunderstanding. we're here at the invitation of your chancellor. she's notmychancellor. that government is kept in power by the vulcans. if you're with them you're on the wrong side. what kind of weapon is this? if you won't tell me... it's a phase-pistol. we'll put these to good use. i'm curious about your starship. r can make chicken sandwiches. t'pol: stop! he's not a tactical officer. he's the ship's steward. we're here to prepare a banquet for your chancellor. your people have a reputation for truthfulness. you wouldn't be lying to me, would you, vulcan? now i understand. you're the captain, aren't you? pe