. >> according to harry keith. i've been to your hometown. it's actually breathtaking, and, unfortunately, couldn't see where my great grandfather was captured because they're playing golf over there right now. but anyway, my point, my question is that one of the things i learned through my family history studying this is that the second wisconsin, the iron brigade, which is the unit that face the 13th alabama that they won had previously faced the 13th alabama at the stonewall inn fredericksburg, where doubleday had been thrown off, and then they also faced, if not mistaken, at antietam in the cornfield. and it strikes me that it's highly unusual for one little regiment from alabama and another little regiment from wisconsin to face off in three of the most important battles of the area. what do you suppose was the reason for that? >> somebody didn't like somebody else. [laughter] is there a particular reason? probably not. probably not. unless you know something that your ancestors have revealed that the rest of