nothing -- probably nothing that harry plaqueman -- blackman or samuel alito has written is enough to make someone say, oh, okay, i'll do what they say. it's having these ways to change minds is through learned experience, through lived experience, through empathy and through being able to go deeper into conversation and getting beyond the assumptions and beyond the stereotypes about why people access this health service. i had a, i did a radio interview earlier today where the host,-very libertarian and very progressive, asked me what do you think of the people who say, oh, women just use abortion for birth control. i said, well, i think anyone who says that demonstrates how little they know about abortion, how little they know about birth control for that matter too. but these are common assumptions. people do still think this. people who do not flat out disapprove of the right to choose, but these are the kinds of easy assumptions that are made about abortion in our culture. and it's through having intimate, deeper considerations about why abortion is necessary. even if you're a ma