conclude -- there could be arguments about this -- in fact, it was the airlift that reelected harry s. truman. no one expected that people would react that enthusiastically to -- the country would be that united over an effort to save our former enemies. >> right. and truman's opponent in that election famously, dewey and the man who was going to be his, everybody expected to be dewey's secretary of state, john foster dulles, both were oppose today the airlift. >> the republicans were opposed to the airlift, one, because they thought it wouldn't work and, two, because it was expensive. they had the same argument about anything. one of the great scenes -- lucius clay wasn't the easiest man in the world. his staff, which was terrified of him, would say that, you know, when he's relaxed, he's really a nice guy. the problem is, he never relaxes. [laughter] and he didn't get along particularly well with germans despite what we saw. and when john foster dulles who had already said the first act of a presidency would be to get rid of lucius clay came, it was a few weeks before the election. it was j