almighty god, as we go out from this place, we do so with hartson moved by the memories of those who we have lost. here and elsewhere, on that tragic day. as well as those we have lost throughout these past 10 years. but we also go out from this place with our spirit strengthened, by memories of incredible bravery and of incredible grace. by memories of euros to risked their own lives to save another. by memories of service members and civilians, of firemen and law enforcement personnel, of rescuers and volunteers, all working courageously to save those trapped within the wreckage, and to support those who emerged. and we go out from here with our resolve is needed by the valor and the commitment of those who have stood fast against the evil inflicted upon us. as we go from here today, we continue to pray for the families and friends of those who we have lost. and we ask you to continue to walk with them. as we honor the sacrifices made by so many on that day, and in the years since, keep each one of us in the sure and certain knowledge that there is no place we can walk that is far