hartzler, for her leadership as chair of the r.s.c.'s communications committee for leading this effort to talk about real solutions and of course today, we're in day 14 of a government shutdown a shutdown that has seen republicans bring proposal after proposal after proposal to fund government. in fact, mr. speaker, i want to point out, there are more than 20 bills now that have been passed by the house of representatives to fund all or parts of the federal government. 20 bills. this chronicles the timeline going back to september 20, by the way, well in advance of the midnight hour, where today on day 14, by the way, president obama had still yet to even engage in conversations. in fact, we went to the white house thursday to meet with the president, sat in the room with him for an hour and a half, simple offer was, mr. president, we'll increase the debt ceiling, all we're asking is for you to start talking, just to agree to have conversations. unfortunately, mr. speaker, we left that meeting without the president even being willing to