called end of life care facility to be coming in from across the world among them england, captain harvey kane, who says pelias advice to him as a young striker, had a huge impact on his career. we send best wishes to him and, and he always is found as well. and yeah, inspiration amongst our game, you know, incredible, incredible person. and yet to hear those was back then phone from him was, was really special for me. and i always feel like i'm someone who is always learning and will continue to learn for, for the rest of my career. so he was, he was spot on with with he had fi, so yeah. sad to hear that news, but yeah, we wish him well, or monica in that he has is joining us live from outside the hospital in south harlow. where pelley is being treated? monica? as we were just hearing, a lot of fans, lot of players are from around the world, sending palo, their very best wishes. what's the latest about at his condition? well the medical bulletin, the last one that we had was the one that was from yesterday last night since he is not a politician's his since he is not a public figure in that s