hasason horowitz popularized this notion that good ceos have to be founders. -- it is very difficult to tell from somebody's background whether or not they will succeed in the venture business. we have a lot of company founders at sequoia. there is also room for lots of other people to succeed as well. being in the investment business is different from running a company. running the company, we are trying to help these companies as much as possible. the other thing that people miss is we are working very hard on building our own organization because unless you have that at the heart of everything, you cannot make consistent investment. >> you say that the minute you think you are winning, that is dangerous and sequoia may be the most successful venture capital firm in history. what du due to evolve the firm and stay on the edge? it begins with consistency and showing up for work every day. >> a lot of people show up for work every day. true.is it sounds simple but it is easy to start easing back. not working quite as hard. and not seeking the same level of success. not having the sam