. >> recently you've seen us on the hills of hasham. that wasn't much.tor, what's your assessment of that person? you have to play sherlock holmes here. >> well, i think that while this may not be an american accent of the kind that i've been listens to on your show for the past few minutes, it's definitely an americanized accent. i would say this is somebody who could well have been educated in the states for some time. he might have a migrant to the states maybe came in hi teens, so he's had a u.s. education, but he will have retained aspects of his first language accent. that's what's showing through on the tape. but nevertheless, he gives all the indications of having been exposed to a lot of american english. now, if he hasn't been to the states, i would say that he may well have had an education in an american international school possibly -- very possibly in the middle east. >> is this a process -- i want to go through your methodology. he doesn't have a south african accent, you can't hear australians, you can't hear british of any kind. so that