just because i can walk in and have a terrible day, and i can see hashim smiling at me at 7'3", with small pants on and that'll change my day. caron, even though you just got here a few months ago, you know, we've grown so close over these last few weeks and i can remember when you first got here, you put a piece of paper in my locker. i don't know why i'm crying so much, man. you wrote a piece of paper in my locker and wrote, k.d., mvp, and that's after we had lost two or three straight. >> then it was the coaches' turn. >> i know those days when you want to look at that film and kill me, for not playing defense, taking bad shots, getting too many techs. but you always believe that i can be the guy. >> after all that came durant's tribute to his mother, wanda pratt, single mom who worked the night shift at the post office to make ends meet. >> when something good happens to you, i don't know about you guys, but i tend to look back to what brought me here. and you wake me up in the middle of the night, in the summertimes, making me run up the hill, making me do push-ups, screaming at