hashmati said that this factory will create employment for a few local workers by setting up a factory in jajarom city with about 15 people. it played an important role in the social security of fard city and how much public and private sector investment was required to set up this factory . in the production of legumes and the production of the first related to regarding pickles in sugar production, we will produce about 145 per day , and 45 candies and sugar will be produced in 900 gram packs and will be sold to the domestic market. let's make it. let's make it. let's make it. we will make a temporary visit to the dear and respected. from tehran, the capital of iran, we will go to one of the southern provinces of the country. we will go to hormozgan, where the permanent exhibition of handicrafts in bandar abbas, equipped , designed and prepared, will be opened today. mrs. rafiq, reporter of sada news agency. and sima, hello reporter in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, i am at your service, dear viewers of khabar gold network. tomorrow, i congratulate you and all