it's responsive to the effective line in the speech about take two tax cuts and cal er p40 years the hasipublican solution has been a tax cut and david's chart proves the point. years and years ago, decades, when rate was % top earner rate, cut from 70% to 50%, yes, mas a really big differen. w tte' cngm to 35 or 35 to 32 or 32 to 31, you're not getting much bang for your buck. really each incremental piece that you take off from the revenue matters in the budget. i think they're not stup about this, they know tre's not a lot to be gained from saying we g you an extra 3%. they may try to get in front of it or erase it as quickly as possible. >> the bigger issue, as we talk about, putting more money in the pockets of a higher income earner, the question of income ineqlity iecoy. is is underdiscussed i think in the american media but the median household income fell 1. 5% to $50,000, which is 8% lower than it was in 2007. u look at the income gap, it rose in 2011. the trend linesere are diur, erf stithe american economy, and the growth of the middle class. >> yeah, we've had two things goin