over the course of the year you project tom hasman you need to spend. but then as revenues go down you find out you don't have the money. so it's like the analogy of a family. you work hard and pay your bills and then you lose your job, you cannot pay your bills. it's not because you overspent, it is because you lost your source of revenue. that is the dominant theme happening in states. host:aaron has a question from twitter. guest: the stimulus money they did not take was not for balancing their budgets as much as it was providing unemployment benefits. they have their own problems, though. louisiana had a tough time balancing its budget. it made serious cuts to higher education and other areas. there was a call for some tax increases that the governor would not accept. they had their problems. they should have taken the stimulus money because that would help people in need. it was not so much a factor of balancing the budget. host: now tony is calling from the republican line in indiana. caller: good morning. the blood is pouring out of my ears liste