the electoral council has said hasopposition candidate the percent of the vote and ruling party has 48.5%it translates to nearly 29,000 votes. for the 84 4 ballot boxeses unopened, that is an unassailable lead, particularlry when one beaears in mind m mostf from ununcountedd ballotsts are .ro opposition districts it is safe to say the opposition has won the biggest city in the land. there will be challenges, bubut the oppotionon has won the t the biggest cities. is unquestionably a heavy blow to president erdogan. andhese were just local mayoral races. they became almost a referendum on his leadership as presideden. >> he knew they were a v vote on him. he campaigned feverishlhly for e past f five weeks, addressing rallies in towns, different parts of the bigig cities, two r three rallies a day. he made annan norma's effort becacause he did n not wanant te huhumiliated. he d does have reason to be pro. his party gained 44.4% of the national vote. thahan itabout 2% more costst him inn the june electios last year.r. the oppositition has r rson to e proud. it got 3 30% nationally andnd it ga