there had been a slight loosening of restrictions since the election of president hassan rouhani, andt could lead to an easing of crippling economic sanctions imposed because of iran's continued nuclear program. trade restrictions that have been very, very difficult for everyone. but there's a push happening between opposing factions in the government. on one hand iranians are the descendants of ancient persia, the empire of poetry, flowers, the highly influential culture that goes back thousands of years. but the ruling clerical and military class are at best ambivalent, at worst actively hostile to much of that tradition. severe religious-based restrictions of speech, dress, behavior were ushered in by the rise of the ayatollah during the 1979 islamic revolution. ♪ ♪ >> so how does one have fun in iran these days? this is a line that is constantly being tested. alcohol is, of course, forbidden. you can get away with listening to rock or rap, sort of, sometimes. but you cannot yourself rock or be seen to visibly rock. not everyone in iran is delighted with what their country has beco