the -- the echo chamber created the impression that hassan rouhani, the president of iran, was a moderate coming to power in -- representing a wave of moderation in iran, a desire to fundamentally change relations between iran and the west this -- this narrative of the moderates coming to power and the need to support the moderates has been the gift that keeps on giving to president obama's diplomacy. it creates -- it creates a pleasing story of -- of breaking down of barriers. it creates a moral equivalence in political terms between those who are critical of the deal in the united states and hardliners, the supposed enemies of rouhani in -- in iraq. and importantly, it makes -- it lulls us into a false sense of security about all of the concessions that we have made to iran. and in particular the sunset component of the nuclear deal, which gives iran effectively in 10 years a completely legitimate program and the ability to move -- nuclear program and the ability to move quickly toward a -- toward a weapon. if iran is moderating, if we have a -- if we are supporting a process of moderat