. >> clerk: item 21 a motion to appoint la tel aviv hassani groulx gray ending february 21st, 2023. >> i just wanted to say a couple words at the rules committee chair on behalf of mr. gray. i am hoping all my colleagues will fools the recommendation of the rules committee to appoint mr. gray to the ethics committee. the seat on the commission has been vacant since the regular i guesresignation of quinton cop n march. we know how important it is to ensuring transparency in city government and holding us accountable to the public. when the seat opened it was a rare opportunity for the board to recruit someone who who add a fresh voice and new energy to this work and latif is suited for this role. as a native san francisco who grew up in the western edition and lives in bay view he knows how history and how decisions made in city hall impact the lives of everyday people. and as an attorney who has been both a public defender and a civil rights champion, he brings both the investigative savvy and the commitment to public advocacy that are essential to the work of the ethic's commission.