from gasoline subsidy and basic helmets to hassef. entrance examination, hijab issue, damages of cyber space, car import and airplane gasoline subsidy and now in this debate we will examine the government's policies on how to expand the city. the issue that was asked to the election candidates like this. do you agree with the grant of land by the government for villa housing in your constituency? or an apartment? considering that the life of living in an apartment, in my opinion, is being destroyed. culture it exists and it carries many social harms. if it is possible to really reach the people and give the land to the people in such a way that they can have villa buildings, well, in my opinion, it is very positive in the areas of tehran that are restricted we do not face the land, i agree, of course, we must consider the documents upstream of rome, according to the existing infrastructure and the local culture of khorramshahr , i agree with villa housing. it depends on the leadership of that city and the institutional culture of that city, but i consider villa housing as a priority, d