haswela said the strike on almanara base left at least 10 israeli soldiers injured. several israeli out posts in the northern occupied territories were also struck by hisbolah. this war on gaza was natural occurrence due to decades of oppression and violation of palestinians. many concurred with that view, but make no mistake. one thing that has been ignored in the scenario are the economic consequences first for the palestinians in the gaza strip due to a siege, then the palest. in the occupied territories, and now israel, whose sheer brutality in murdering palestinians, has severely impacted its economy. hi, i'm kavid, welcome to economic divide. some of the highlights coming up, the cost of israel's war so far, 6.8 billion dollars. the economy to have suffered due to judicial protest prior to the war. obviously lot on israel's plate in terms of how it can improve its economy. next up, the impact of the war, some of the basics, capital flight, uh, mass exodus of people.