that at the very least if you look at the way presidents try so hard to appear like one of us, hating broccoli, playing the saxophone, playing basketball, clearing brush, loving football, all of these traits hearken back to those principles of simplicity and a nod to the people. but in today's parlance, it's often called like relatability. but these are true principles and ways to go about being a leader that i think could become sort of a cautionary tale, restraint, a nod to all of the people of the united states, not just a small minority, that these could be a cautionary tale for those who are running for the presidency today. >> so a big dose of humility. >> yeah. >> would be in order. >> because really by doing that, you gain strength is the way -- you gain trust, and that trust -- people trust you to go ahead and be the leader that they want you to be. if you don't think that people, you know, want a strong leader, they do want a strong leader. they just want someone they can trust, you know. >> watch out. you might get nominated. that's good stuff. that's good stuff. well, there's other