. >> hattie lorenzo lost her son to heroine in 2010. he was just 26 years old. she is years old. she is a regular voice in the fight against new jersey heroin epidemic. she recently learned about urban clothing. it's a california-based clothing company. some of the close features prescription drugs that are used illegally including by getting, percocet, and adderall. she e-mailed the company to address them and tell them her personal story. tell me how glamorizing drugs is good. i lost my son to drugs and i don't understand why you would create clothing that glamorize them. i will be reaching out to social media to fight against your clothing. within the same day she received three responses to her e-mail. they appear to be from different people at the company. the e-mails were shocking. the first one said help your kid out next time. don't be mad at fields because your son made a stupid decision. nobody gives a care how you lost your son. no one gives a bleep. >> i asked her how she felt about receiving these emails. >> i was upset. i didn't know what to do. i was so dumbfounded