fema to carry a nine-ton military transporter filled with meals from silver spring, maryland to hattiesburgppi, over 1,100 miles. i don't have a lot of money. things are really tight right now. and as far as monetarily, i knew i wouldn't be able to help, but as far as helping... getting something in there to help the people-- i knew i could do that. america rides on the back of trucks. and i mean, something like this... you know, it's-it's the trucks that bring it in there. narratotor: for bio-truckers like mike, each tank of biodiesel he chooses as fuel is pushing the american transportation industry into the 21st century. frybarger: beautiful scenery in tennessee. you know, beautiful sunrises, beautiful sunsets. and since i've been involved in biodiesel now, i tell you, when i drive in rural areas where there's fields, i-i look at those fields, and say, "boy, look at all that fueuel." narrator: finding biodieiesel in america is not easy. with over 175,000 fueling stations across the country, less than 1,500 offer biodiesel. frybarger: and here's our biodiesel location, and it looks kind o