said and it is important for us to stress that san francisco as an international city is surely on haugen -- truely a hub of human trafficing, so 7 cisco's effort, which i would say has been ongoing, but which was born out of some significant and very negative circumstances, which we will talk about. we try to be comprehensive, and it is very positive and we are here tonight on international human trafficking awareness today. and we have created the san francisco collaborative against human trafficking, which is a cross-section of nonprofit organizations and law enforcement and city government agencies that work to partner, to support victims, to provide awareness, and we are really pleased to be here, and one particular thing i think you are probably aware of is several years ago we did pass a massage parlor ordinance, which gave a broader and now abilities through land use to really take a look at what is going on with proliferation of massage parlors and activities that should or should not be going on there. we have a regular effort of inspections we will talk more about, but i just w