hauschka that look in tears, and what, if anything, -- how should that look in 10 years? >> mr.benjamin, you have written about media ownership. what should be thresholds on media ownership? should there be limits on media ownership? can there be cost of ownership in local markets when it comes to a television station or newspaper? >> that is something i have not written about with any specificity. that is such a fact driven answer. i think whatever your answer was to wear three years ago, it could be different today -- whatever your answer was two or three years ago, it could be different today. what i mean is, three years ago you might have set i will allow research in this context.s%mayt context, because the rules have changed. a personal view is, to many aspects of policy in washington d.c. historically have been driven by ideologically first, and then i will find the facts to suit me. this is one area where is particularly true. you have to start with the facts and the data. what i like about chairman genachowski's approach is, he once different ideas. we are a data-driven