judy said that might haveju something to do with an auto shop and placement is important. she goes on for a while talkingt about the placement of the canisters but it's not ringing any bells.s.fe i'm starting to feel bad like i'm letting judy in the spirit community down. judy says she is seeing the number 76. iraq's my brain but all i could come up with is this song 76 trombones which is a rousing show tune but not one with which i feel a deep personal connection. i shake my head. judy said she's picking up something about bowling and brings up placement again that i shake my head again. i'm not a bowler. i'm totally failing at this. judy asked me if i had -- i wish i say.turnin this is turning into a nightmare. judy said she's getting something about a woman who maybe has something to do with race cars. i shake my head again. my wife happens to be a womann and she is a fast driver but not a racecar. she's an suv woman. i began to think dead people have me confused with somebody else. [laughter] been judy said she's getting something about a turkey, aboutt turkey. a bird