that havetwo kids been here a decade. be on the one that at large right now, was a regular american. obviously something changed. he is not a regular american anymore. attack, it is the self-radicalization. that is not preventable. isthe purpose of terrorism to terrorize. every time we lose some freedom. you see it at the airports. now we are going to see it at other races. .un yourself through something is that going to happen? >> probably. there will be a heightened sense of security. 9/11, there have been 20 americans killed in terrorist attacks. since robert kennedy was murdered on june 4, 1968, there 11e been 1.3 million americans that have died by gunfire. are theater. that is what they are. that is why it was effective. wasit a place that quintessential innocence. the boston marathon. there is no high-priced corporate seats. it is just families. an eight-year-old kid became the face of this. >> apparently does not occurred to these people there are cameras everywhere. >> i think if -- i think they were aware and th