haveurozone, you arty negative rates.-- big chunks re: trade that we are -- we are not predicting they will go up we are just in the world of diminishing returns to that policy stance. >> coming up, the close of trading is minutes away. yesterday's losses. the s&p 500 is up and the nasdaq is only slightly in the positive. still gaining for a sixth consecutive session. back in two. ♪ >> julie, stocks are barely staying in the green. julie: it has been a bounce around kind of session. if things and up in the green, it seemed as though things turned a little more positive after the report even though it did not say anything that alliled the narrative so three major averages are up. the s&p, it has been a long decline. it has been the trend over the course of the day ever since manufacturing data came in better than estimated. i want to look at stocks. and is a company software network cyber security. this recently got a takeover approach and according to bloomberg's reporting, it has hired morgan stanley to send off the acti