. >> we've talked a little bit with the undersecretary and other panelists havre menti isi some of the countries in the area, and members of the panel can address this. the undersecretary talked about this, that there still needs to be more work to be done, for example, with qatar and what they're doing. we've talked about the charity law that qatar has in place. i think the undersecretary had previously made statements about qatar and kuwait being permissive jurisdictions for terrorist financing. what kind of things could these countries be doing now that they're not doing today? >> a lot. mostly these are countries that have passed fantastic laws on the books when you look at them on paper. i've gone to the middle east many times, sat with some of these individuals that give me enough hard copies, soft copies, i could wallpaper my house with them. but when you get them privately, and you ask them, this is a great law, 3.1, have you ever implemented it? no. have you ever used this? no. there's very few cases, especially in kuwait and qatar of any kind of implementation. even the case