our children should know about the pool -- boys at point do hawken doolittle's readers in the battles of midway and iwo jima. they should learn about the courage of the young americans who fought, excuse me, that light is bad. encourage the young americans who fought the nazis in the battle of the bulge and okinawa. they should learn why america was right to end the war by dropping bombs on hiroshima and nagasaki and the fundamental decency of a nation that established the truman doctrine and the marshall plan the berlin airlift and the north atlantic treaty organization. they need to know about the war of the holocaust and what it means to promise never again. they should know that once there was an empire so evil and the rest of truth it had to build that wall to keep its citizens and and the free world led by america defeated it. they need to know about the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11, the courage of the first responders and the heroism of the passengers of flight 93. they should understand what kind of world militant islam will create if we don't defeat it. they should lear