you can expect in the middle of the century in the 2nd half century the past you know if we still hayao. turn attempts is still the paleness on what happens especially in the next decade. in some sense we've passed already some of the tipping points we're going to have some climate impacts which are greater than what we see already. there's the potential that thanks could really go downhill that the costs of climate change will become so large that the economies will really go backward well if not collapse at least become much less well to do. no matter how badly we mess up this planet it's still worth saving what's left and most of it is still left so of course there is every every reason to try to stay positive and try to get some action that will work in the right sounds but it had better be soon. or young people will bear the consequences. it. is so the ocean i think that's definitely the biggest part of being marshallese and these part of being an islander is just that ocean presence. and it's just you know even just driving to work it's just ocean on either side of all the time. t