haydarovjorovic, associate professor of the department of functional nanosystems of high-temperature materials. i work to ensure that there are more technologies in the world that are resource-saving and energy-efficient. at this point we have come to a possible. obtaining low-clinic mineral binders based on blast furnace granulated slag. concrete consists of cement, sand, crushed stone and water. during mixing, only cement exhibits activity, forming calcium hydroxide and hydrosilicates. due to the presence of calcium hydroxide and a number of hydrated compounds, there is a fairly serious problem associated with the destruction of concrete structures in highly mineralized aquatic environments, that is, in the sea. the high content of salts that our northern seas are rich in leads to... to their interaction with hydration and cement products, and this in turn affects concrete destruction processes. in order to stop this process, scientists decided to use cement with a high content of metallurgical waste, namely granular slag. and you can somehow distinguish between concrete using slag