would have you believe that mayor giuliani was only there today cup dirt against former vice president haydne he might be president trump's arrival in that 2020 election. of course, mr. giuliani's intent is no small matter here. it is a central and essential present done my premise of the house managers case, that mr. giuliani's motive in investigating ukrainian corruption and interference in the 2016 election was an entirely political one, undertaken at the presidents direction. but, what evidence have the managers actually offered you to support that proposition? on close inspection, it turns out, virtually none. they just to say it over and over and over. and they offer you another false dichotomy, either mr. giuliani was acting in an official capacity to further the president's foreign policy objectives, or he was acting as the president's personal attorney, in which case, they conclude, his motive could only be to further the presidents political objectives. the house managers then point to various of mr. giuliani's public statements in which he is clear and completely transparent about