but the the the the intellectual atmosphere here that was shaped by him, muses hayek's friedman's and ran as has made america much better and freer place than it would otherwise been, though not yet obviously as free as a libertarian would like. so some of those victories are you know they sound and you know conservative sometimes take credit for them, you know, stable monetary policy, deregulation, not the draft and drug to recruit criminals. another one would be school choice. and this is another thing that milton friedman, you know, played a key role in. wall street journal, a piece recently that said in the five years, the number of state with universal voucher. went from 0 to 10. and that's an idea comes right out of capitalism and freedom. maybe it was, you know, it took red state governors and conservative activists to bring it about. but it's, you know something he was talking about 1961 of and yet despite you know some of those those occasional alliances with conservatives as you detail in the book, historically libertarians have had a pretty fraught relationship with the rig