. -- that wasin b bus a case of the electrical system. about that time, hayes yelled during said, you know, training we had a problem with one of those fuel cells, this might be our big problem, it's electrical problem. so we looked at the fuel cells, we were looking to see, and they got back online and all of a sudden they died again. and then, one time, the oxygen tank gauge went full high, then went full down. and we didn't know, is that an instrument problem? because obviously we couldn't all the oxygen. this went back and forth. and another thing we tried to we didn't know if something hit us. the first thing we really did was, tried to put the hatchback between the lunar module and the because we le noticed the command module was okay but if the lunar module got hit we would slowly lose all the oxygen inside the spacecraft, i said, jack, close hatch. jack went up there to try to close the hatch he couldn't do it. so i went up there and tried to it, i couldn't do it. you d, let's forget it, know, if the lunar module was it we would be dead by now anyway an