. >> our next question comes from the hayes valley association. are you planning for improved lighting for pedestrians in the hayes valley area? >> one thing that we are finding as we are advancing our vision zero efforts. one of the factors of safety and one that hasn't traditionally been in our tool kit or the city tool kit is lighting. the national governor safety association this week came out with a number of recommendations and improved pedestrian lighting was one. that is probably the point they are making in hayes valley. streestreetlights is managed be public utilities commission. they are not funded for pedestrian level lighting. through the city we have been working to collectively identify a way to fund the lighting particularly where it can advance the safety efforts. we will work with the puc and the city to try to get that one to be a yes so we can provide lighting in hayes valley and other neighborhoods where there is heavy pedestrian traffic at night. >> from the e-mail does your budget include cleaning and maintaining the parking