>> hayter: no.torian, and i think that the statues should stay, with a footnote of epic proportions. >> cooper: essentially, you're suggesting-- >> hayter: i'm suggesting we do a little bit of historical jujitsu. i'm-- right? i'm suggesting we use the scale and grandeur of those monuments against themselves. i think we lack imagination when we talk about memorials. it's all or nothing. it's leave them this way, or tear them down, as if there's nothing in between that we could do to tell a more enriching story about american history. >> cooper: historians call it recontextualization, the addition of signs or markers with information about when and why the statues were built, to help people see old monuments in a new light. so, you'd like to see signs or placards or historical lessons somewhere around here. >> hayter: anywhere around here, right. perhaps even on this sidewalk. >> cooper: so that as people approach the statue-- >> hayter: they can read the story of-- >> cooper: and they can understand