we have a significant hazar dous presence. and that could be on the order of several hundred thousand dollars on top of a normal improvement projects. the tenant improvements themselves, we're looking at having to convert a police station to a different welcoming use. that could run anywhere from at a minimum, we're looking at $100 a square foot. perhaps two or three times that depending upon the proposal. we have heard everything from restaurants to, as you have mentioned, condominiums, which is not something we're entertaining here. nonetheless, all those require a significant level of effort. commissioner chan: two suggestions based on what we have discussed. for the further resolve clause of the first clause on the second page, clause 12, that it includes language about furthering clause 9 above. you can added that and say for the results -- to secure tenancy that furthers, however you would like to describe it and spurs renewal of. and for no. 13, the second from their claws on top of the second page. there could be somet