hazel jones' doctoran explain this much better tan i can. dr.harper. >> the two tubes and the normal things to happen the tubes to fuse and break down and form one. what's happened to hazel that never broke down. >> she was 14 and started her menstrual cycle and vary as to which va gina when you come from because when you often late you only often view late from one side. her ovaries and fallopian tubes oath operate. >> she lost her virginity twice and still didn't find out what was going on until late in her teen years when she first was having her first sexual interaction. >> my first serious boyfriend, he said there was something different about me. >> this girl, i feel, is brave to go on a show and talk about this. >> according to hazel she's very comfortable with her body and she and her husband actually visit sex clubs and fetish clubs. >> this is wildly fascinating. >>> starving dinner on a boat. not easy. >> hang on. [ inaudible ]. ♪ [ inaudible ]. >>> beyonce and jay-z have their baby and everybody is trying to figure out what the baby