let me turn now to the representativef -- representative of hazeltown. house education and workforce committee people when you left the mayorality lived in your area? >> approximately 30,000 at the time. it was estimated to be about 30,000 at the time during the court case. it was estimated about 10% of the pup -- population -- was there illegally. if i could make a point. it is important because i know it comes up often. we are standing up against illegal immigration and that is not anti-immigrant. our city is 49% hispanic. i took probably at the time one of the strongest stances against illegal immigration and won with 90% of the vote. our hispanic population has grown every year from the time we passed the ordinance which defies the theory that hispanics would not come to hazelton. in fact they wanted to come and move their families there. so i think it is important, it sounds good but it isn't the reality of what happens. >> well, sir the reason that i ask you is that you went in to depth, sort of not are any rhetoric about the flip side of immigrati