. >> as this committee takes up hazzard finance reform next month, i hope that part of that is absolute standards that don't go beyond servicing standards and suggest there are a range of things in the mortgage industry for which assuring where and how standards are established, overseas and imports should be part of that discussion. >> tim johnson will be chairing the committee come january. i will make the request of all of you to submit more than just a suggested idea of testimony. we would like to get may be some specific ideas. maybe this is something that the federal financial oversight committee might submit to us some legislative ideas and language that could be a part of this committee's consideration over the next month or so. that would be very helpful so i will make the request of all of you. i suggest that maybe the oversight committee -- commission might not be a bad place to cook these ideas that would make this more efficient and a single point of contact is terrific. i thank all of you. this will be my last opportunity for this particular panel, i am grateful to all of