can hdnet possibly have that impact now? can farai and propublica and other web sites capture those gigantic stories and stay with them the way... >> no, they can't have the impact that coverage, say, of watergate, which was a widespread criminal conspiracy run out of the white house, including the president himself, exclamation point--no, it can't have that kind of impact because the competitive arena has become much larger and much fiercer. but what's needed here, frank, and you've touched on this a couple of times, and i hope we can come back to it, is most of us who are in journalism today were drawn to it by a lot of things, but not least of which the belief that a public journal is a public trust. that includes electronic journalism. this is a public trust. >> a public trust. >> a public trust, i would say a sacred public trust, but a public trust, to be operated at least in part in the public interest. the difference between today and yesterday, with the largest corporations that control most of the major news distrib