archbishop is very much to guide the life of the church day by day what people are doing away from headlinea lot of notice is raising their children as catholics, educating them, praying and worshiping together, reaching out to the world around them, especially in helping those most in need because that is what christ called us to do. and the weight in which those things are done, the means used to do them will change, since 1853 but never the less those are the tasks catholics then were engaged in. >> you are the 8th archbishop of san francisco and installed almost exactly 5 years ago. what are your thoughts now after five years? >> well, very grateful coming here and meeting the people i have met especially the people who help me day in and day out the pastors, the women religious, the deacons and their wives, the lay ministers, the many many thousands of lay ministers and i think it is in working with them, that the archbishop accomplishes what he accomplishes, they are the ones who i like to say make the music. i compare the archbishop to the conductor of the symphony. the only person on